Author: Jenny

Do Horses See Colour?

I used to work in a University Animal Behaviour laboratory. We generally did “operant” experiments where you teach the animal to make a response for food – peck a button, nose a lever, press...

George’s Christmas 2015

I hate Colic. In 1996 I lost my then best horsey friend, Mitch, I called in to see him on the way home and less than an hour later my friend was dead.  His...

4 Stepping up Still More

So now it seemed George and I were heading towards our first 80km ride.  Despite assurances that George was plenty fit enough I had serious doubts, 80km was a LONG way.  All my rides...

George the Experimental Rescue horse

It was mid winter 2001.  I was working for the University of Waikato as a Research Technician in the Psychology Department’s animal behaviour lab.  We usually worked with hens and had recently started with...

2 My first Real Endurance Rides

Being at the Masters Games meant the Waikato Endurance Club now had my name and address.  So I started getting sent the newsletter…. And in the newsletter was information about upcoming rides.  Yes, I...